Millennials: a bad rap?
The British media certainly makes a meal of millennials – with reports of laziness, job hopping, and an all-round sense entitlement. But is this portrayal negatively impacting millennials at work? More than a quarter of our respondents (27%) say so – a figure that rises to 40% in London. But the damning characterisation is largely an unfair one.
“Millennial employees represent the best-educated (the most schooling, the highest SAT scores, computer coding and other advanced skills learned as early as middle school) and most thoughtfully-raised…cohort in history. And, regardless of whether you agree with this assessment of millennial employees, you’d best get used to them being around; it’s predicted that by 2025 three quarters of workers globally will be millennials.”
It’s too big a section of society to ignore. Millennials have an abundance of skills to bring to the table; they have a fresh and challenging outlook, and – with the right management – can take your business to the next level.